Wind Trends as of 13-Feb-2025 at 6:15pm

( Note: Only the 'Current' values may be updated in near-realtime, while the other values are current when the page is loaded. The other data was from 13-Feb-2025 6:15pm. Reload this page for updated data.)

Latest Wind Data

CURRENT Wind direction plot
Now 3.0 mph NNW
Gust 1.0 mph NNW
Gust/hr 16.0 mph
Today 16.1 mph W at 5:15pm
Yest. 21.0 mph at 8:52pm
Month 23.0 mph on 07-Feb-2025
Year 27.0 mph on 27-Jan-2025
Today 7.3 mph ENE at 12:08am
Yest. 10.8 mph at 9:10pm
Month 10.8 mph on 12-Feb-2025
Year 12.4 mph on 27-Jan-2025
Today 55.76 miles
Month 859.41 miles
Year 3158.84 miles

Wind run is a measurement of how much wind has passed a given point during a given period of time. A wind blowing at five miles per hour for an entire day (24 hours) would give a wind run of 120 miles for the day.

Wind Trend Graphs

Graphs generated by Virtual Weather Station (V15.00)
Wind Speed Wind Speed
Wind Gusts Wind Gusts
Wind Chill Wind Chill