
Data Quality for Cordwood Point - Cheboygan, Michigan
CWOP ID - C3699


Current Time Span Selected: 28 Days

Barometer Graph
Madis Value: 100% 
Data Span: 28 Days
Average Barometer Error: -0.9 milliBars
Error Standard Deviation: 0.3 milliBars

Baro Chart
Calculations/Data courtesy of Phillip Gladstone. Script courtesy of  Michael Holden of Relay Weather.

Temperature Graph
Madis Value: 99% 
Data Span: 28 Days 24 Hours Daytime Nighttime
Average Temp. Error: 0.2 °F 1.0 °F 0.0 °F
Error Standard Deviation: 1.7 °F 1.9 °F 1.6 °F

Temp Chart
Calculations/Data courtesy of Phillip Gladstone. Script courtesy of  Michael Holden of Relay Weather.

Dewpoint Graph
Madis Value: 100% 
Data Span: 28 Days 24 Hours Daytime Nighttime
Average Dewpoint Error: -0.8 °F -0.9 °F -0.8 °F
Error Standard Deviation: 1.8 °F 1.7 °F 1.7 °F

Dew Chart
Calculations/Data courtesy of Phillip Gladstone. Script courtesy of  Michael Holden of Relay Weather.

Lake Huron Weather - lakehuronweather.org is a member of the Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP). The above charts represent data reported to CWOP for Cordwood Point - Cheboygan, Michigan (C3699 actuals in blue) with the predicted data based on surrounding stations (C3699 Analysis in red).

The Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP) is a private-public partnership with the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. Its three main goals: 1) to collect weather data contributed by citizens; 2) to make these data available for weather services; and 3) to provide feedback to the data contributors so that they have the tools to check and improve their data quality.

Data Quality:
The MADIS value represents the percentage of observations that have successfully passed the MADIS QC checks. If the Madis rating is within the acceptable limits, a green check will appear.

If the above errors are POSITIVE, this means that the analysis variable is HIGHER than the reported variable. This means that the sensor is reading a variable lower than expected. If the above errors are NEGATIVE, this means that the analysis variable is LOWER than the reported variable. This means that the sensor is reading a variable higher than expected.

Many thanks go to Phillip Gladstone at CWOP for his dedication to providing the needed accuracy and quality checks for the amateur weather observer.